FAQ Category: Neurofeedback

How is general biofeedback different from neurofeedback?

General biofeedback trains a person to obtain greater control over certain involuntary body responses such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, sweat gland activity, and muscle tension. By learning to control these physiological responses, an individual can exert control over mental and physical health problems. Unlike neurofeedback, where the brain responds to feedback at an unconscious level, biofeedback requires an …

How is general biofeedback different from neurofeedback? Read More »

Can neurofeedback help with cognitive disabilities or learning disorders?

We have had success working with clients with brain injuries and those suffering from many types of disabilities. Neurofeedback helps the brain become more efficient so that it works at its best capacity, whatever that capacity might be. If someone’s brain has been injured by a stroke or through surgery, the brain learns to “reroute” …

Can neurofeedback help with cognitive disabilities or learning disorders? Read More »

Does neurofeedback improve I.Q.?

Studies have shown that I.Q. scores generally raise 10 to 20 points after training. This is not because neurofeedback makes people smarter; it simply helps their brains become more efficient and flexible. 

How does neurofeedback work for a small child who has difficulty staying still?

Perhaps an example will be helpful. A three-year-old boy suffering from Fetal Alcohol Effect was brought in for training by his grandmother. His mother had been drinking throughout her pregnancy with him. The grandmother reported that the child would have fits of rage during which he would bang his head on the floor until he …

How does neurofeedback work for a small child who has difficulty staying still? Read More »